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Posts tagged ‘OASIS-C Errata’

OASIS-C Errata

I confess. I had to go to to look up exactly what the word Errata meant. The definition is: a list of errors and their corrections inserted, usually on a separate page or slip of paper, in a book or other publication; corrigenda.

Why is this important? Because the CMS has published the OASIS-C Errata. It can be found under the Blogroll section immediately to your left on this page. Highlights include:

  • The questions referring to since the last time OASIS data were collected specifically includes data collected during the last OASIS assessment. For instance, when asked if all meds were taught on since the previous assessment, include in your response the medications taught at the last assessment visit.
  • Flu vaccine questions are corrected numerous times. When 1040 asks if the flu vaccine was given by your agency during this year’s flu season what they are really asking is if the flu vaccine was given by your agency during this year’s flu season. Nothing more. Nothing less. If your patient received a flu vaccine elsewhere or from your agency during a separate admission, the answer is, ‘No’.
  • The definition of standardized tests has been clarified to mean those which have been scientifically tested on a population with characteristics similar to that of the patient being assessed and shown to be effective and includes a standard response tool. But wait, that’s not all! The standardized tool must be appropriately administered according to the instructions.
  • M1308 is still one of my favorite questions. It asks for the current number of non-epithelialized ulcers at each stage and gives us a grid on which to chart our answers. The instructions for closed staged III and IV now read: Although the wording in M1308 includes the term ‘non-epithelialized,’ for this item, a closed stage III or IV pressure ulcer should be reported as a pressure ulcer at its worst stage, even if it has re-epithelialized.
  • M1910 assesses the patient and their environment for falls. For publicly reported outcomes, patients under aged 65 will be excluded. The falls assessment will include a standardized tool in order to meet the requirements of this question.

There are some other very interesting changes that will be discussed later in the week. However, you can certainly read them for yourself in the document posted on our sidebar.

Your questions and comments are always welcome in the comment section below or you can email us or call us at 225-216-1241.