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Falls Precautions

I cannot imagine that patients really tolerate nurses coming into their home and telling them to remove throw rugs every week.  Below are some additional tools to flesh out your teaching.

I also encourage agencies to offer a Community Falls Prevention Program if they have the staff to do so.  Since attendees come to you, they are not homebound, they are not eligible for home health services which means you are not enticing them to be your patients by offering free services.  However, the good will provided to the community may prompt an answer other than, “I don’t know,” when a physician asks the obligatory question about whether or not a patient has a preference in home health agencies down the line or when a family member has a need.  The worst that could happen is you save someone from breaking a hip.  If you save four people from breaking a hip, you have saved a life.






falls precautions From Colorado State University

Community Falls Development  Guidance from the CDC – I believe it could be simplified for smaller agencies.


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